About Lucky

The little living blanket character I stream as.

(Please note, this page is under construction. More will be added and edited as time goes on.)

My PNG Tuber model is a living blanket by the name "Lucky"; He's an eldritch energy being that can explore other realities and dimensions only by seeking out materials to form a "puppet" from. He then controls that puppet remotely from his little pocket of the Void. In Lucky's case, he prefers warm, comfy blankets.

He's also not the kind of eldritch being that will drive people mad by witnessing him. He's a rather friendly goober for the most part. In fact, Lucky belongs to a civiliztion of various, benevolent eldritch beings, and one of their roles is to seek out vicious and evil supernatural entities and deal with them. For Lucky's species, that means he will literally devour them (They go great with a splash of hot sauce!).

Future sections to come:

What is a "Void-Bound Energy Eldritch"

What are Lucky's abilities?

Who are Lucky's friends and co-workers?

Other information