The Actual Streamer (GLGamer)

Ahoyhoy! I’m GLGamer. You can call me GL or Gamer for short! Gigglemergle if you’re trying to be funny. As far as streaming, I don’t really role play as the character too seriously. I might do little short jokes or references, and sometimes have gone into how the character works with friends on their streams, or through my artworks and other forms of creativity.

When I stream, it’s mostly just to hang out and play some fun games, or work on neat art ideas. Sometimes it’s just me wanting to have a chill time, other times I’m full of silly, chaotic energy. My streams are basically when I can, due to a lot of “real life” stuff still going on, and my own health issues requiring I need to not push myself too hard. For that reason, I can’t always have a consistent streaming schedule yet.